All sorts of animals possible but shape, proportion and scale need to be appropriate to fit the space and the tiles to work well.
Apologies NO pet portraits – a different skill!
Click on images for a larger view Click on the i bottom right of larger images for tiles info
- St.Pierre fish tile panel back of a shower.
- Bright rich coloured lobster tile panel.
- Bath side. Detail of sea fish tile scheme for a bathroom. 6″ 153mm tiles.
- Portmeirion Castell ‘Deudraeth’ Restaurant. Men’s washroom tiles. – Sea fish.
- Fish tiles – New Zealand fish
- Full size salmon tile panel for an Aga. A bold statement for a big kitchen.
- Wildlife tile. White background. One of a series for Llyn Gwynant campsite in Snowdonia.
- Tropical fish shower tiles
- Eel. one of a series of wildlife panels for a Welsh campsite . White glaze, 6″ 153mm tiles.
- Wildlife tile panels. White glazed back ground,
- Wildlife tile series. White glaze.
- Mythological designs- centaur + griffon handmade clay tiles .
- Chinese dragon hand made tiles bathroom panel.
- Detail of British water birds bathroom tiles.
- Detail of a long panel of tiles across a barn conversion kitchen.
- Close up of dressage horse from an Aga tile panel .a pewter glaze. 6″ 153mm tiles.
- Salmon tiles for a kitchen. Opaque background glaze continued on the plain tiles.6″ 153mm tiles.
- longhorn bull ‘delft’ tiles
- Hand painted frogs in grey blue on white
- Wildlife series. 6 tile heron panel. White glaze background. 6″ 153mm tiles.
- Standing heron tile panel with border. part of bathroom scheme.
- One of a series of fish and crustacea tiles and panels for a sea side kitchen.
- A simple tile splashback.
- Inset kitchen sink tile panel
- Tile splashback for a utility room sink
- Runner ducks with a white background for a cooker tile panel.
- Detail of a bath / mirror tile panel for a small bathroom.
- Bath end detail of a wrap round tile panel for a small bathroom.
- From a series of tiles based on William De Morgan’s designs 152mm 6″ tiles
- One of a pair of Griffons for a large kitchen Aga tile panel.
- Detail of swan tiles for a big barn conversion kitchen. Single white glaze.
- Oystercatcher kitchen tile panel.
- Bespoke oystercatcher tile panel for a New Zealand kitchen.
- Sea creatures 2″5 cm.hand made tiles
- Individual fish tiles with turquoise background.
- Bespoke Pike tile panel
- Detail of a bathroom with trout and salmon tiles.
- One of a series of brightly coloured tiles for a kitchen.
- Trout tile splash back with border. Basin tiles.
- One of a large series of native species. Tiles for Llyn Gwynant campsite Snowdonia.
- Finished goat panel for the gents loo!
- Detail of a large Aga tile panel with lots of birds!
- White chicken tile panel with spotted background.
- Pair of black chickens
- Squirrel tiles detail of kitchen tiles
- Chickens stove tile panel detail
- Hare and hedgehog kitchen tiles.
- Aga tile panel perching hens.
- Black cockerel tiles on green ground
- Farm animals bath side tile panel
- Weasel. One of a series of British native species.
- Welsh black sheep toile panel
- Single toad tile
- Hand drawn wildlife tile . White glaze 6″ 153mmm tile.
- Even bats can be used to decorate tiles!
- A 6 tile panel using wax resist outlines and a white glaze 153mm 6″ tiles.
- Blue and white bordered animal+ bird tiles for an Aga stove panel.
- Cats + dogs hand painted tiles.
- Individual game birds and animals green on cream
- Tile cockerels stencilled.
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